How Antisemitism is Incorporated in Politics and Conflicts with the Aid of Technologies and Media
The Holocaust was the result of a smear campaign and sinister conspiracy that took advantage of economic and social conditions and used the confluence of various types and levels of European antisemitism indoctrinated in all levels of society.
There are five basic forms of Antisemitism that are categorized accordingly with their desired outcome, reasoining and inception. They have thin separating lines. Brainwashing, economic incentives and social pressure change individual beliefs by adopting and preferring one kind of antisemitism over the other accordingly with the prevailing circumstances. Individuals might adopt more then one kind of antisemitism at the same time. Each type of Antisemitism can spread and evolve very fast to a more dangerous form. Therefore, governments that don’t block any kind of antisemitism are doomed to be complicit, endangered, converted or participant in hate crimes.
The basic forms of antisemitism include:
- Rhetorical Antisemitism – This is the antisemitism that tries to propagate hate for Jews using academic or religion explanations on how Jewry is a danger for the religion or social class by way of scientific research, academic writings, clergy preaching and print. The main purpose of this kind of hate instigation is Academic acceptance or church acceptance or just a mere acceptance incentive of selling books and interview time in the media or universities. Clergy antisemitism is also used as a tool of increasing devotion and religious adherence and mindset control. Rhetorical antisemites are fixed on their narrative of history and are very narrow-minded in their echo chamber. This kind of antisemitism was perpetrated by a gentry Englishman Houston Chamberlain who was the personal Kaiser’s guide on antisemitism and the best seller publication writer of hate speech (which preceded Der-Sturmer) until 1927. These anti Jewry narratives were adopted by the military German Junta, academy and Mine Kampf. Hinderburg, the Kaizer, and Lundedorf adopted Rhetorical Antisemitism as an explanation and cover-up for the result of the WWI outcome and the economy. Later on, this narrative gave open check for killing Jews to the FreiKorps , extremists and the Workers party DAP. Farrakhan, Hamas and Iranian narratives are an expressions of Rhetorical Antisemitism. The Iranian regime, Spanish church in the 16th century and Russian Tzar-Cossacks plots belong to a more radical antisemitism which agrees on taking Jewish property for that reason.
- Xenophobic Antisemitism – This is the hate and fear feeling that takes place in the first encounters with the idea of Jewish existence. It can be seeded from tales at the education system, family, theater plays, clergy, childhood environment, work and military circles. It gets deeper when the real encounter with real Jews occurs specially if other people who hate Jews are in the social environment when of this encounter occurs. It has more impact if the individual absorbs this hate from a role model or important figure. If the Xenophobic hate and fear is exposed on various media outlets at the same time it has a faster and more longstanding impact. This kind of antisemitism was propagated in printed publication back to the era of Martin Luther. This kind of Antisemitism existed when German troops faced a cultural shock while meeting poor orthodox Jewish communities for the first time during the occupation of Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic after Germany defeated the Russian army in 1917 (ober ost). The driving force of propagating and the acquiring of this kind of hate is social acceptance or intellectual or religious acceptance.
- Lucrative Antisemitism – this kind of antisemitism is found when individuals or groups use hate as a pretext of taking Jewish lands, assets or as means of generating other lucrative or politicized benefits. Political or Military cover-up (Dreyfus Affair) or forfeiting debt and rent may be considered as a lucrative-antisemitism since it generates pure gains. A road-map on how to make a judicial plot for generating economic gains can be traced back to Shakespeare area as shown at Merchant of Venice book. Ilhan Omar’s antisemitism is a mix of Lucrative (Political gain and contribution gains) and Rhetorical antisemitism (ideology that came from religion and education).
- Vindication Antisemitism – In some cases a religious, commercial or military incident which involved hurting Jews may raise a vindication theory that uses antisemitism to heal the consciousness dissonance or narrative. It is a retroactive free check for misdeeds committed in the past or for an ongoing process. These individuals or groups may later on be more willing on indoctrinating and preaching for a wider or more dangerous kind of antisemitism. Such is the case with Houston Chamberlain that published antisemitic editorials after a feud with a Jewish loan entity.
- Indoctrinated Antisemitism – Is a belief that Jewish entity should be removed (destroyed) on the allegation that all Jews pose existence threat on a nation, humanity or religion. It can be found in Europe 15th century printing, Social Darwinism, Egyptian books and Nazi publications. Perpetrators of such an indoctrination use their subordinates to collect Jewish assets while mass killings are taken place. Goebels was an indoctrinated and indoctrinator of this kind of hate and killings. Indoctrinated antisemitism is the form where planned mass murders occur and it is done by recruiting or up-scaling other forms of antisemitism by brainwash or economical incentives or social pressure.
Throughout history Jews were an easy prey of demagogy, military blunder escape goats, clergy, public opinion smearing campaigns. As bigger the blame rhetoric could be conveyed to the public, Antisemitic spread and deeper adherence could be achieved. When a ruler was searching for some others to blame as a deflection from the possibility of being overthrown Antisemitism was an easy way out.
All these types of antisemitism existed in all German population classes during and before the great wars. The sixth Nuremberg trial concluded that without the active participation, funding and production capabilities, the chemical, pharmaceutical, industrial ( and media ) of German companies (Bayer, IGFARBIN, Benz, BMW, Porch, Messerschmidt…) the Nazis wouldn’t be able to rise to power and conquer Europe and execute the final solution.
Extreme hate fanaticism which involves government systematic mass killings was to exist in history under indoctrinated antisemitism only. They occurred after catastrophes, plagues, church inquisitions or as a result of war. The third Reich took it to the next level using mass media “Hollywood tipe” propaganda and mass killing engineering.
Antisemitism was propagated by the ruling class academy, court, military (Dreyfus affair), industrial complex, politicians, clergy, judicial system, press and academia. A governmental sponsored mass killing of Jews wouldn’t be achievable with at least three of these entities working together. The idea that only the SS committed the holocaust is refuted by recent studies and Nuremberg trials. Wehrmacht and industrialists were enthusiastic on carrying out the mass killing, property overtake, deadly slavery and human scientific experimentation.
Holocaust mass murder actions are traceable back to 1918, when German soldiers and officers executed Jews with Ukranian citizens help. Those soldiers will later on join the Freikorps and the Wermacht. The occupation of eastern Europe by Germany had enabled the military a much needed allocation of troops to the western front in France as formulated in the Brest-Litovsk agreement. Those were desperate times in the east where almost no food and other materials were available for the local community because of the long war going on. The most efficient form of military occupation and control was the use hate between ethnic groups while blaming the Jews for the hunger and economical condition. This explanation gave a free check to civilian attacks and loot on Jews with German troops help while Germany was plundering food, raw material and goods from occupied Eastern Europe.
It was easy to find Ukranian people who were happy to adopt the blame theory in order to kill, deport and cease Jewish property in those desperate times while sharing the profits and putting together shooting squads. The German army appointed local policing individuals that would help these new “pogroms” both in 1918 and in the 1940s concentration camps and next mass graves. This form of combining technique and rhetoric was also promoted by Russian Tzar pact with Cossacks where the government got a percentage of the loot made by approved Cossack Murder groups. Pogroms were many times backed by the Russian church and Russian aristocracy and intellectuals support.
The roots of the Holocaust systematic mass murder and rhetoric are traced back to the Brest-Litovsk era when Germany occupied Eastern Europe and had soldiers shooting squads killing Jews in 1918. One year later German military oligarchy and Hitler formulated a paper that uncovers the idea that the achievement of total Jewish removal can be achieved only by systematic action run by coordinated antisemitic government and not by sporadic actions run by part of society known as ‘progroms’.
Until today there is no real answer on what were the events that led the Fuhrer to believe and promote indoctrinated-Antisemitism.
There is no conclusive explanation what was the event and process that made Hitler to be antisemite at all. There is a theory that Hitler acquired antisemitism after he realized his actions in the front-line as a survivor military courier were he took credit for a Jewish official action. What is clear today, is that a precondition for work for the German counterintelligence or to be working for the military oligarchy the “Backstabbing theory” and antisemitism were a must.
The German Military command after WWI adopted Ludendorff rationale of the “backstabbing theory” that blamed Jews for German war surrender. It was part of fighting against Bolshevik ideology and political threat. Scarce Military job positions where given in counterintelligence community to people who adopted this ideology or could indoctrinate it as part of the military would be accepted. In 1918-1923 Germany faced various coup d’etat attempts and had to deal with civil deadly confrontations which involved Freikorps troops and extreme right and left groups.
After formulating the 1919 letter of the “government Jewry removal plan” and other publications during work as propagandist and orator for the DAP more ideas and help came for writing discourses and Mein Kapmf . Assistance came from Rudolf Hess, Bavarian-Prussian generals, intellectuals including gathering materials and ideas from Houston Chamberlain, Eckert , Alfred Rosneberg and even Martin Luther. He was transformed from an Indoctrinated Antisemitic to Indoctrinator. In these years after jail time there was a transformation process that from a Manchurian candidate for the Military oligarchs and the NSDAP he became their leader up until 1945.
“The antisemitism of reason must lead to a struggle for the legal battle to abrogate laws giving [Jews] favoured positions, differentiating the Jew from other foreigners. The final goal must be the uncompromising removal of Jews altogether. To accomplish these goals, only a government of national power is capable, and never a government of national weakness.”
1919 letter of the “government Jewry removal plan”
Hitler gained trust from the military oligarchy in 1919 by composing a letter that expressed their antisemitic ideology that was already existing in the military leadership think tank. He was sent by his superiors to “infiltrate” the DAP headquarters (German Working Party) with the pretext of protecting the nation against extremists. They shared the same narrative about the war and Jews as expressed by DAP founder Anton Drexler . Conveniently, he became its leader and transformed it onto the Nazy party and thereafter attempted the 1923 coup which tried to bring Eric Ludendorff the WWI war monger antisemite to power.
Most historians agree that the Halaucaust was part of WWII which is a result of the fallout of WWI. There were about 30,000 printed books that try to explain the origins and the real development of the war but there is no agreement within these theories on what was the main cause. Most agree that it was an event that was a confluence of other events and aspirations of rulers and the masses that sought an expectation of changing world order or social justice. Sarajevo murder of Franz Ferdinand was not a reason for a global conflict, it was just the trigger of many adversities and confrontations that were about to explode in many regions, No one was expecting the chain reaction and the intensity that would be to occur simultaneously with the unpredictable violence and time expectancy (Sleepwalker effect). Even though the scale and shape of the war was unpredictable all major participants were eager to wage war and were stocking arms, horses, other means of transportation and reading their manpower and economy for a major conflict. The common rhetoric was that the powers were arming themselves and getting ready for a “defensive” war. Generals and politicians knew there was a competition for global resources, trade lines and colony expansion.
After WWI rising opponent politic groups were getting violent by the day ready to use all means necessary to destroy their opponents. Germany of 1918-1919 was in civil war both ideologically and literally. The ideology that would be more persistent, ideology persuasive and violent would be able to get the power after destroying or converting the enemies.
After the armistice of 1918 Germany fell in echonimical and political chaos of starvation. It was obvious the the German Junta wich was in charge of Hindenburg an Ludendorff was the agent of the economical and war disaster brought on Germany and its neighbors. They adopted the rhetoric of their Kaiser that the Jews were the reason of the backstabbing in the German people, The blaming of Jews was a must for the generals and what saved them from public lynching or deportation (as occurred with the Kaiser) on their accountability of destroying their economy, food supply and millions of individuals and families where food and honor was of no avail

The German 1933 regime achieved the most devastating and murderous antisemitic indoctrination created ever. The hate was indoctrinated and propagated by world-class intellectuals, scientists, elite, journalists and enlightened thinkers which none of them stopped the Holocaust
Today’s Antisimitic Trends
The most common use of Rhetorical Antisemitism after WWII, is carried by publications that try to put together Zionism and Apartheid. The goal of this narrative is to achieve a denial to the right of a Jewish state which is the only asylum place suited of people who were and are escaping Nazi and other Antisemitic regimes and murders.
The main line of thought of this kind of antisemitism is an out of context media campaign that tried to falsely portray the Jews as oppressors on Muslims while omitting that during WWII, Nazi Germany cooperated with Arabl on the “Jewish problem” recruiting thousands of Muslims to carry out war which included Jewish persecution.
Today publications like caricatures in the New York Times serve as the new means of propagation of Rhetorical Antisemitism.
Mass media news alerts and commentaries that try to portray Jewish self defense and settlement actions in Israel as “apartheid” are also part of the new movement of Rhetorical Antisemitism that tries to deny the right of secure refuge to Jewish people in the holy land.
‘…opinion pages of The New York Times international edition provided a textbook illustration of it [anti-Semitism].Except that The Times wasn’t explaining anti-Semitism. It was purveying it.’
Related Links and Resources
The evolution or the Tzar regime antisemitism
Early document of Indoctrination Antisemitism approved by Hitler and Army Oligarchy in 1919
Inspiration of Martin Luther
Social Darwinism impact on Antisemitism
Timothy Snyder on the Nazy use of “bloodlands” and “bloodminds” for genocide execution
The Origins of Mass Killing: the bloodlands hypothesis
New York Times new Rhetorical Antisemitism Publications
Comparing UK antisemitism in 2019 with 1933 antisemitism
Mufti Official Exchange
The Wermacht participation in the Holocaust