Accordingly with the new lawsuit against Spygate promoters, there is a legal justification to sue entities that racketeer through blacklisting or smear campaigns. It still has to be proven that this is not a unique incident, that it was made maliciously, it was motivated by hate or that it was paid for. This Modus Operandi…
Author: Myth Watch
How deep is the “Insurance Policy”
Insurance Policy is a set of mechanisms that makes almost impossible the task of investigating and disclosing the control of intelligence bosses and democrat party apparatus over evidence, testimonies, investigations, prosecutions and the public agenda.
Mainstream media denied the public the whole truth and the right to a fair vote by overemphasizing convenient agandas and leaking biased half facts
The Origins of The Mueller Report
Mueller Report reveals its delay influenced 2018 midterm results. It’s disparity and bias doesn’t hide the Establishment modus operandi of using contractors and loopholes for judicial traps, perjury traps, FARA Traps and FISA courts rubber stamps. The investigator used unlawful surveillance and witness coercion and biased plea deals.
Mueller Report Discrepancies
Mueller team participation in the GOP/persecution-DNC/cover-up collusion is revealed by the following questions and disparities that should be asked on his hearings on the hill, by the puglic and by the executive
Conflict of Interests
Bruce Ohr was warned that his work has conflicts of interests with his Wife Nelly who was working for the DNC apparatus.. Both served as conduits of sensitive information to their Friends Steele, Simpson, Holtyn and others.
Inconsistencies in Mueller Memos
In his letter to AG Barr on March 27th Mueller distorted his letter of appointment goals and the DOJ press release goals and mentioned that the goal for his investigation was to “ensure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigation”.
Questioned Security Clearance
Fired intelligence bosses accused the president on treason expecting that the Mueller report will find that the president was working as a Russian agent. This lie was promoted even when in office. When the Mueller report came out they admitted that the assumption was based on wrong information and they changed the narrative to go after the president family. and taxes and obstruction trap “for a crime they committed”