Ex ambassador Yovanovich admitted she was coached by the state department on how to reduce the fallout of Biden and other Democrats friends and families dealings in the Ukraine. The modus operand of Schiff gang coaching is indicating she also was instructed not to “remember ” Biden tape and other Democrats. A new Quid Pro Quo is emerging on how the embassy used Ukranian machinations to help the DNC collude against Trump before and after elections through Chalupa, Fusion GPS and others. Question mark on whether Pelosi Ukrainian staffer and the whistle-blower were involved since the get go.
Category: Media
Crowdstrike and Politics
No one seems to care and ask how the same company that was a contractor of the DNC was at the same time a contractor of the FBI or Mueller.
Racketeering through Blacklisting
Accordingly with the new lawsuit against Spygate promoters, there is a legal justification to sue entities that racketeer through blacklisting or smear campaigns. It still has to be proven that this is not a unique incident, that it was made maliciously, it was motivated by hate or that it was paid for. This Modus Operandi…
Mainstream media denied the public the whole truth and the right to a fair vote by overemphasizing convenient agandas and leaking biased half facts
The Origins of The Mueller Report
Mueller Report reveals its delay influenced 2018 midterm results. It’s disparity and bias doesn’t hide the Establishment modus operandi of using contractors and loopholes for judicial traps, perjury traps, FARA Traps and FISA courts rubber stamps. The investigator used unlawful surveillance and witness coercion and biased plea deals.
Conflict of Interests
Bruce Ohr was warned that his work has conflicts of interests with his Wife Nelly who was working for the DNC apparatus.. Both served as conduits of sensitive information to their Friends Steele, Simpson, Holtyn and others.
Pulitzer Controversies
The Pulitzer organization refuses to acknowledge their errors by not recalling prizes given to biases and fake news in the name of prestige.
Neo Antisemitism in Congress
Antisemitism is an indoctrination process that leads to massacres against Jews The new wave of Antisemitism that is increasing in the USA and Europe tries to portray Jews in Israel as Apartheid country while blaming the Israel government of being racist. This is done as a plot which tries to achieve a deligitimation a Jewish…