Judge Defends 1st Amendment
In Teter vs. Veritas trial the federal judge overruled all allegations that tried to hide from the public the voter and elections fraud made by DNC contractors in 2016. The tactics of the plaintiffs was a use of Teter unfortunate health condition as allegation that the interviews were damaging while vilifying the defendant and therefore the Jury would be sympathetic and in favor of a ruling that would hide the misconduct of HRC campaign including meddling and inciting confrontation in public places and assisting voter fraud and elections funding. The Judge defended the first amendment by debunking all the allegations of malice intent which can’t be proven or are not relevant to the journalistic role and conduct of the defendant.
“.. which I believe as to several of these are really no evidence of malice at all, are insufficient to meet that standard. Therefore, for that reason, the defendant’s motion — defendant’s motions pursuant to Rule 50 will be granted. “
Baker’s 302s
Accordingly with new undisclosed materials, James Baker colluded with HRC lawyers including David Kendall, by giving them heads-ups. His team disclosed overzelausly 302 reports of investigations revealing methods and status of critical ongoing investigation. Baker also advised HRC lawyers on how to request such materials and was in direct coloquial talks with lawyers of an investigated party giving them preferred treatment by use of improper communication channels while offering information on pertinent investigation and favorable biased treatment which he denied from other political persons .
IG is protecting Baker and his circle by not referring them to the proper legal procedures. Baker unethical conduct helped the defense and the cover-up of HRC and Obama’s administration misdeeds. In some sense this was an obstruction of justice, Lisa Page and the FOIA director were also participant in rushing out FOIA requests if ongoing investigations to an investigated party.
Another issue that is still under investigation, is the active destroying and concealing of some 302 reports concerning HRC inner circle investigations by paid-per-play bureoacrats.
How Mueller Fooled the Nation
Mueller said charging president Trump with a crime was ‘not an option’ in the Russia probe, in his resignation speech. This statement clearly insinuates that this is the reason his team didn’t conclude criminality on the president which is the OLC guideline. This is untruth because in a previous Special Counsel (Keneth Starr) investigation it was proved in eleven criminal accounts that president Clinton committed crimes and congress and Senate took actions based on that investigation. Mueller could have decided on obstruction criminality if there would have been evidence on that, but he didn’t find a proof on that. Mueller couldn’t also establish a proof even after overzealous use of investigation resources and entrapment methods, as he told the AG and DAJ and as what state in the letter of the Special Counsel.
This rhetoric is embraced by partisan oversight committee chairs and is also debunked by the fact that Mueller team didn’t charge anyone in the inner circle of the president on obstruction or conspiracy with Russia and the fact that Mueller team had free hand for 22 months to interview all members of the White House.
Some reports also state that as underline materials are being disclosed there is more indications that suggest Mueller team also redacted, altered and omitted materials from the report in order to push the obstruction entrapment rhetoric to congress and to the public agenda while smearing and targeting the president inner circle .
Related Links & Sources:
Altering Narrative about Russian Sources
Biased Political Statements
Lying by Omission
Mueller Inconsistencies
Impeachment Time-Frame
The democratic party think tank has decided to squeeze the most from the impeachment narrative by postponing the impeachment process while recycling impeachment claims and brainwashing the public agenda as much as they can, even knowing that impeachment will not succeed. The idea is to weaponize this fake narrative to draw more attention in the media and to smear the president as much as possible with no sound viable legal argument in the same way they did for two years with their lies on the Russian conspiracy allegation. The Russian smear campaign was indoctrinated with the help of fake stories by the media, Mueller team, bad cops and some lawmakers and was used to affect the 2018 midterms and to harass the president. The Obstruction smear campaign is being disseminated in the same form in order to affect the 2020 elections.
Under U.S. Constitution a president can’t be removed for a political partisan whim. The Mueller report didn’t accomplish to validate any crime worthy of impeachment as opposed to the eleven proven crimes attributed to Clinton by the Keneth Starr probe.
An impeachment move wouldn’t be approved based on Mueller non-binary arguments by the supreme court as well as in the Senate. So the basic diea of the impeachment narrative is to influence the 2020 elections and to cover up for the conspirators of the Russian entrapment scheme using Hollywood demagogy, social media trolls and outlets like CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, academia biased professors and others.. Most likely a chief justice would overturn this request and would ask to see if this was a set-up made by Democratic lawmakers and tne corrupt bureacrats and it would backfire and open criminal investigations against the people who waponized the intelligence community, the media and the oversight committees for political and commercial reasons. The American people, the executive branch and the Judicial branch would want the truth by a thorroug oversight on oversight committees lawmakers and chairs like Nadler, Schiff and Cummings. Basically Congress can’t overrule other branches and tailor new entrapment laws for political reasons or be above the of power or the constitution itself therefore .
Article 2 Section 4 of the Constitution: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Related Links & Sources
Mueller discrepancies about if he would conclude there would be crime without the OLC guidance