The Resignation of Mueller
Mueller didn’t have enough proof to conclude that the president committed crimes including obstruction. Instead of saying so and perform his binary duty he chose to promote a smear campaign agenda and create a road map for covering up intelligence bosses who were fired and fabricated an artificial argument for smearing, harassing and investigating a president that wasn’t part of their establishment. There people knew that there was no collusion to begin with but they pushed an investigation with entrapment on an new artificial fabrication of obstruction charges for almost two years. Mueller was part of the plot and he din’t end the investigation in time because he wanted to protect McCabe, Comey and Hilary Clinton and intervene indirectly in the results of 2018 elections as well sa 2020 elections.
Mueller is repeating the narrative that the “President is Guilty until proven innocent” by saying that “If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime we would have said so.” This is unbiased statement because there is no proof of the negative and there is no possibility of proving on any person that this individual didn’t had an intent of obstructing. Anyway this was a political malicious road-map since is no criminality of obstruction in these cases under the law and there was no underline crime to obstruct for. Mueller could have finish the report in 2017 but his team wanted to fabricate an obstruction trap and a damaging narrative knowing that there was no underline crime as part of Comey and McCabe to go after the president. Mueller team was appointed to search if there are crimes that can be proven . Every person can have crimes but to hold that person accountable the justice system must prove it Mueller team didn’t have substantial evidence to prove any crime with or without the OLC guidance .
Mueller didn’t leave an option for questioning his conduct of an option for the investigated to exonerate himself and stepped out of his boundary which is to conclude if there is a crime that can be proved or if there is no such a crime. Mueller also tried to entrap AG Barr by this declaration and the decision that he wanted to release the report in parts as opposed to AG decision to release the report at once.

Mueller didn’t have sufficient proof to conclude there was an obstruction crime. He should have said that: “We didn’t have sufficient proof to conclude that the president commuted a crime” which is what he was paid for. Mueller chose to say the negative of the negative in order to affect the 2020 elections and smear the president.
Mueller malicious declaration and intent allegation is a twisted rhetoric that can be used on any human. There is no possibility to have evidence on any human being that he didn’t commit obstruction.
Mueller didn’t fulfill the order to create a copy with sensitive material copy as ordered by AG Barr which led to a 3 weeks delay of the report release after the summary report. This created a malicious trap and road map to blame Barr by Democrats on the Hill for the delay in the release and shattered his intentions to release portions that would damage the president.
Mueller conversation with AG Barr and Rosenstein made clear that there was no sufficient legal evidence to show criminality of obstruction and that the reason for not pursuing an obstruction crime conclusion were the facts and not the OLC guideline ( that sitting president is not to prosecuted ). Mueller declaration on the May 29th that the reason for not ruling on obstruction because of the guideline is an admittance that he wasted $35M on something that he wouldn’t be indicting anyway and that he made it for partisan reasons.
“Special Counsel Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying, but-for the OLC opinion, he would’ve found obstruction,”
Mueller didn’t have sufficient proof to conclude that the president committed any crime including obstruction and chose to smear the president saying “ If we had confidence the president did not commit a crime we would have said so.”.
Basically anyone can say it on anyone that there is no sufficient proof to conclude that someone didn’t commit any crime and that would be a valid statement. This shows Mueller bias and unprofessional conclusion which was a smear campaign from the beginning. If sedition laws were in place Mueller would have been in legal trouble.
Mueller didn’t fulfill his most important tasks:
- Restore confidence in the Intelligence Community
- Investigate the related collusion of DNC, HRC and Intelligence community with Russians and other nationals with the intent of influencing 2016, 2018 and 2020 elections
- The intent of removing the president.
In other words instead of preventing and solving the problem of intelligence community and DOJ bureaucrats intervening in elections, he crated a team that intervened in the elections of 2018 and 2020 by extending biased investigations, wiretapping, leaks and entrapments using $40,000,000 of tax payers money and taking the country to very dangerous devise path.
Other Mueller Tricks
Mueller Protection of the Clinton Foundations in 2005
The undemocratic way of the intelligence community of neutralizing political opponents
Mueller and the Benghazi Debacle
Insurance Policy of Intelligence Community Bosses