President Trump placed sanctions on Turkey’s Presidency of Defense Industries, the Turkish military procurement agency, for “knowingly engaging in a significant transaction” to purchase Russian anti-aircraft missile systems, the State Department announced Monday.“The United States made clear to Turkey at the highest levels and on numerous occasions that its purchase of the S-400 system would endanger the security of…
Category: Military Watch
Russia Claims Its Navy Chased Off a US Destroyer Operating in Territorial Waters in the Sea of Japan
Russia said on Tuesday one of its warships caught and chased off a US destroyer operating illegally in its territorial waters in the Sea of Japan, but the US Navy denied wrongdoing by its vessel and accused Moscow of making excessive maritime claims. The Admiral Vinogradov, a Russian destroyer, verbally warned USS John S. McCain,…
The United States Leaves the Treaty of Open Skies Mentioning Russian Federation Violations
The United States exited the Treaty on Open Skies on Sunday, six months after the Trump administration signaled it would. The administration cited repeated Russian Federation violations of the treaty designed to allow unarmed aerial surveillance flights by the treaty participants in Europe, Russia, and the U.S. Secretary of State Explained: “At its core, the Treaty was…
For the First Time, an American Warship has Intercepted and Shot Down a Testing ICBM in Space
The Sea-to-Space interception capabilities raise concerns in China and Russia as Hyper-sonic Missile development goes forward.