Kevin Mandaia, FreeEye CEO announces and praises his future panelist, Hillary Rodham Clinton for a Cyber security convention that the company wiil hold in October. He omits the fact that the former secretary of state single-handedly exposed thousands of emails with sensitive information to Chinese intelligence community while at the state department. He also omits…
Category: News Analysis
OIG protecting Untouchables
OIG report concludes that “DAD”, committed “small” misdeeds by giving him “slap on the wrist”. OIG didn’t look on the big picture which make those misdeeds part of a bigger collusion, The OIG might be covering the bigger issue which was the attempt to conspire and try to smear and remove and elected president. The…
Surveillance Laundry
New investigation looks at Lynch and Comey discussing spying and entrapping Carter Page before 2016 Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller report. George Papadopoulos was selected as a way of circumventing the executive order that forbids surveying American institutions and persons in the USA. Events were fabricated by Comey, McCabe and Brennan subordinates that would make…
Pulitzer Prize Fiasco
When David Cay Johnston was asked why he didn’t investigate and condemn the nefarious conduct of opposition research and spying by the DNC which was more salacious and intensive then the GOP’s, his excuse was that he didn’t research on that. When David Cay Johnston was told that the president was not working on behalf…
Favoritism & Lawmakers
Lawmakers might collude to make a fake lawsuit so that the ‘Sexscandal congress fund’ will pay them and their fake accusers. In these cases the lawyers of the accuser get a cut from the fund. There is a ‘constitutional crisis’ when corrupt lawmakers share public money and favoritism in quid-pro-quo basis. It is very difficult…
Ted Cruz was Spied Upon
After declassification announcement on the May 23rd, AG Barr will be able to scrutinize and check the legality of the surveillance actions and dirt digging done by Democrat lawmakers the Intelligence community agents, contractors, and informers on behalf of DNC, Democrat lawmakers and Obama administration’s Insurance Policy apparatus. It was just revealed That Ted Cruz…
Nadler afraid of Underlying Mueller Material
Nadler is postponing and evading Mueller and Barr interview in congress because of underlying materials exposing co-conspirators that are pulling his string. Republicans and the public are interested in the malfeasance that expose Nadler’s party lawmakers, journalists and bureaucrats who tried to frame GOP supporters for years using taxpayers money. Mueller team could have concluded…
Comey found Quoting the Wrong Person
James Comey stated on May 18th that “The president claiming the FBI’s investigation was “TREASON“ reminds me that a Russian once said, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” That shouldn’t happen in America. Who will stand up?” Reports state that Obama knew Comey was going to ‘blackmail’ Trump and evidence shows that Comey…