The supreme court enabled the creation of the Establishment which is the de facto 4th branch of government that makes “errors” and “delays” actions when convenient and that give information and favoritism to their family and friends. To add insult to injury, John Marshall increased the power of the Supreme Court by enabling the “Judicial Review” power to decide what part of the constitution and its amendments is constitutional. John Marshall grabbed for the supreme court more powers then the founding fathers.
Category: News Analysis
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Admits that the Blocking and Demoting of a Post Exposé about the Bidens is Unacceptable
It seems this is not the first case of unreported In-kind donation. Former Kamala Harris press secretary was appointed top Twitter communications official, and was tweeting anti Trump narrative while being a part of team that was demoting content that is not favorable with Biden, Kamala Harris and other Democratic party persons. The former public…
The Dangers of the Spread of Tribalism in a Divided Society
In tribalism one political faction tries to vilify the other as means of influencing the mainstream public public opinion as well as court decisions.
The Walkaway Movement is Expanding as More People Realize that Extreme Divisiveness May Backfire and it May Lead into Violence
The Democrat party is evolving into an echo chamber that increasingly panders to extreme liberal public opinion leaders within the party and in the media. If decision makers and community leaders do not support in public these radical ideas, they might find themselves being cancelled, doxed, demoted, demonetized or targeted. The woke correctness scale is…
Chileans Voted Overwhelmingly to Replace their Military Era Constitution
Chile, a country of 18 million people, is now set to begin a two-year process to draft a new constitution, a period that political analysts and economists expect will be rife with uncertainty. Voters are expected to elect in April a 155-member assembly to draft the new charter, which will need to be approved in…
Analysis Concludes that the Debate was about Motivating Voters and not about Persuading for a Vote Change
The main talking points included energy economics, Coronavirus pandemic, climate change, healthcare and policies concerning minorities. The foreign policy issue was faded out by the commission of the presidential debate (CPD) as opposed to what was customary in the last presidential debate of previous presidential races. During the debate Biden was interrupted 8 times and…
Why Lead Democrats are So Obsessed with The Timing of Filling SCOTUS Seat?
After at least 500 political riots, violence and murders, there is a risk of increased mayhem by leaving a vacuum and deadlock in the supreme court.
Justice Department to File Antitrust Suit Against Google
The Justice Department will file an antitrust lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Google engaged in anticompetitive conduct to preserve monopolies in search and search-advertising that form the cornerstones of its vast conglomerate, according to senior Justice officials. The long-anticipated case, expected to be filed in a Washington, D.C., federal court, will mark the most aggressive U.S….