In an interview to Foxnews podcast, an ex CIA operative states Russia is more dangerous to elections than China, allegedly because Russia has nuclear power that can destroy America and China doesn’t. That excuse doesn’t hold water since nuclear power has nothing to do with the ability and incentive to interfere in elections. Readers may…
Category: News Analysis
Lobbying in Congress Enabled Years of Technology Transfer from the U.S. that is Currently Used for Digital Authoritarianism
PRC lobbying in congress enabled years of technology transfer from the U.S. High Tech sector that is used for Digital Authoritarianism overseas.Currently the executive hands are somehow tied because of mutual interest of some lawmakers, shareholders and the CCP. The loopholes in lawmaking derailed the executive attempt to protect the American people from the prying…
IJOP Exposed: A System that Enables Thought Policing on Uyghurs which has Come Reality after 20 Years of Research
Integrated Joint Operation Platform is used by the policing authorities in Xinjiang. The indoctrination and surveillance already used in and being a proven concept that is evolving. It may be a first step in a roadmap of implementing it nationwide and overseas.
What CNN, DNC, BLM, Media Matters, Open Society and Antifa Share?
Those organizations share the underlying agenda of tribalism which is another name for factionism. They try to convey a narrative that everyone that doesn’t support their woke narrative is a bad person and you should repudiate it and move to their faction if you consider yourself a just person. Journalists the “break the lines” and…
Reports Indicate that Covington Lawyer Colluded with Mueller Team on Covering up McCabe and Pientka Wrongdoings
Allegedly, Pientka told the IG that McCabe told him to change the 302s. McCabe has the audacity to sue the government for firing him while doing millions from media and publishers connected to the DNC trappers. In retrospect it seems that Covington used their position in Washington and their connections to give an impression that…
Officials in Minnesota Have been Covering up for Years Election Schemes Including “Cash for Vote”
Reports indicate that authorities are investigating ‘Ballot Harvesting’ scheme and other possible election frauds in Minnesota with links to Ilhan Omar’s campaign and probably other officials in Minnesota. Senior citizens community, immigrant community, low income communities and others are asked to report when their ballots arrive so ballot contractors would “help” them fill out the…
Violent Riots Harm Fair Competition and Might Lead to Antitrust Practices and Racketeering
A big retail chain or company can “write off” any destruction or looting in a “blink of an eye” whereas small businesses can’t. This is why many small businesses went out of business. When a small business needs to collect insurance, the insurance company will invent many excuses in delaying or denying payments and blame…
Journalists Manipulate the Real Discussion on Cancel Culture
Journalists that support Cancel Culture deviate the discussion on its legitimacy to places where they can cover up for the real dangers.