As opposed to custom belief, Swastika insignia use and Antisemitic incitement, murders and vandalism were carried out in 1920. Groups like Freikorps Epp and Rohm carried out the insignia and participated in violence actions and hate speech targeting the people they blamed for the loss of WWI.
Category: News Analysis
Are Search Engines Meddling with 2020 Elections?
If we search the term “Obamagate” or Unmasking in search engines most results in the first pages include articles that promote the idea that “Obamagate” is a conspiracy theory. Opposing Articles or evidence are artificially demoted including the view that “Obamagate” was a scheme to indoctrinate the American people by repeating a story of Russian…
Prosecutors that Target Barr and Flynn Use Dreyfus Prosecutors Methods
Smear Campaigns for Lasered Targets by Intelligence Community and Prosecutors The similarity of the investigation, prosecution and media rhetoric and methodology used by the French and USA Law-firm Establishments and Organized Media is amazing. Both used the technique of attaching alleged crimes to achieve a political and hate agenda by use of smear campaigns, malicious dossiers, corruption and…
Takeaways From the 1918 Pandemic
The origins and reasons for the 1918 pandemic are contested in Academia and in medical circles. In those years the extent of the catastrophe was hidden from the public for military reasons and for Versailles negotiation leveraging. Today the disagreement on the origins is part of a trade war and a political war where political…
Virus Darwinism – Strain Evolution and Society Evolution
There is no fail safe immunity for all future outbreaks or precise prediction for the severity of each outbreak wave but there are some facts that let us understand the chronology of reactions. As COVID-19 outbreak is still evolving we should take a look at other pandemics and how and societies and viruses interact over…
Amicus Report, Amicable with Malfeasance by Agents
In response to “accuracy concerns to FBI Matters submitted to the FISC” (Docket No. Misc. 19-02) , Judge James A Boasberg released an “OPINION AND ORDER” letter which addresses the OIG report relating to the the misconduct and the political use of FISA. The Judge and the OIG try to focus on amending the procedures…
Socialist Bait and Switch
As Bernie Sanders is becoming the front Runner in 2020, the media and academy are overlooking the reasons for this phenomena because it harms their anti GOP narrative. As result they ignore the potential danger even if he loses nomination campaign.
The great “Bait and Switch” of Marxism, Socialism and Leninism is hiding the eventual corruption that comes with absolute power that has no transparency and accountability and later on using the power to starve or oppress their own people’s freedoms
Court Sentences Roger Stone for 40 Months
Roger Stone, aged 67, was sentenced for more then 3 years for offences that are less severe then James Wolfe’s two Months. DOJ Prosecutor Jonathan Kravis has “resigned as an Assistant US Attorney”