Category: Vote Irregularities
Putting the thumbs on the scale in election day
Political Suppression of Speech for one Party while Promoting Another Might be an In-Kind Donation that Biden Campaign has to Report
Former Kamala Harris press secretary was appointed top Twitter communications official, and was in charge of removing content that is not favorable with Biden and Kamala Harris. The former public policy manager of Twitter was sent to work for Biden campaign which might be also an in-kind donation since his knowledge and contacts give the…
While Democrats, Brennan and the CNN Try to Indoctrinate Russian Intervention, Wray and Haspel are Downplaying the Role of China
This M.O. was used in 2008, 2016 and 2018. Haspel was in London while Steel, Downer and Dearlove were promoting the dossier narrative.
State Attorney General Rigs Elections by Downplaying Voter Fraud when Convenient
AG stanwalled investigation of a person that voted twice and was appointed as election inspector by the Democrat party. Authorities told the whistleblower that the voter fraud “could be shoved under paperwork and forgotten”.