In the notorious Madison Vs. Marbury ruling the supreme court gave a dangerous tool to bureaucrats and the establishment. The delay or refusal of affixing a seal to an appointment by a bureaucrat enabled the strengthening and continuation of a 4th branch of government. The “establishment” or the 4th branch of government is a de-facto branch of government made up by unelected bureaucrats and their accomplices. This move had created a dangerous modus operandi antecedent that was legitimized by the court. Bureaucrats can change allocation of budges, appointments, they can confection prosecutions, they can tailor reports that suit their agenda and they can even influence outcome of war or conflicts and some say they can even affect election results by their actions and non-actions.
Madison used an improper technicality to deny a legal appointment of Marbury and thus abused his right and happiness as a retaliation for supporting the Federalists. The supreme court ratified this move by allowing it. The excuse of the supreme court was that they can’t infringe the separation of powers doctrine as required by the constitution. While doing so, Justice John Marshall infringed the equal right to pursue happiness doctrine among others.
The authority given to the Supreme Court by the act establishing the judicial system of the United States to issue writs of mandamus to public officers appears not to be warranted by the Constitution.
There is no happiness when the justice system blocks the rights and justice for person that was harmed by another person(s). The courts also circumvent this right today by turning a blind eye on bureaucrats, journalists and persons of one party that are doxing, smearing, denying contract or harming livelihoods of members of the other party. The judicial system should have been using RICO statue and other laws to charge those doxers. One of the measures to block and a partial mitigation to this situation was removed by nullifying the requirement of making the Vice President a member of a different party of the president.
Marshall ruled that Marbury was right in his demand for remedy, but tailored an excuse for preferring one doctrine over the other. Justice Marshall preferred the separation of powers doctrine over the equal rights doctrine. The excuse is unethical and against common sense since by allowing a technicality he intervened in 2nd an 1st branch of government decision while abusing equality and the right to happiness of Marbury, for political reasons.
In that ruling they have showed to the American people that the last resort and against tyrant bureaucrats or judges is compromised as was the case with Dred Scott which ruled in favor of a slave holder that lived in New York using a technicality, and thus maybe expediting the Civil War. Thus the American judicial system imported from Englad a system that enablied government and people who have the means to use the lack of just justice to make themselves richer and grab more power. In this move they violated the underline motive of the constitution and the declaration of independence that being “all men equal” they have the equal right to pursue happiness. This right has no meaning if it is not equally obtained by rich or poor, lonely persons or persons with connections to the government, persons of one political party and persons of other political party. If the supreme court would be concerned about civil rights like in Row Vs. Wade and Plessy Vs. Ferguson they wouldn’t allow the blacklisting of one party members on other party members.
On February 24, 1803, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Marshall, decides the landmark case of William Marbury versus James Madison, Secretary of State of the United States and confirms the legal principle of judicial review—the ability of the Supreme Court to limit Congressional power by declaring legislation unconstitutional—in the new nation.
The court ruled that the new president, Thomas Jefferson, via his secretary of state, James Madison, was wrong to prevent William Marbury from taking office as justice of the peace for Washington County in the District of Columbia. However, it also ruled that the court had no jurisdiction in the case and could not force Jefferson and Madison to seat Marbury. The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the Supreme Court jurisdiction, but the Marshall court ruled the Act of 1789 to be an unconstitutional extension of judiciary power into the realm of the executive.
The 4th branch of government is “the facto” a group of a specific party supporters that use their position in government and other federal or state entities like the USPS and Intelligence Community to advance their party control of the means of taxation, production, healthcare, trade, financing and voting procedures. A bureaucrat can have or create whatever excuse for delaying or circumventing one act and promoting another act in a “Pick and Chose” way while entrapping whislteblowers and political opponents.
Most amazing fact was that the bureaucrat that made the clerical act of blocking in 1081 of Malbury appointment was John Marshal himself after he was appointed Justice by 1803 when the ruling came out. He should have recused himself from the bench in the Malbury case for conflict of interest as well. To add insult to injury, John Marshall increased the power of the Supreme Court by enabling the “Judicial Review” power to decide what part of the constitution and its amendments is constitutional. John Marshall grabbed for the supreme court more powers then the founding fathers.
A bureaucrat may act for her/his party or friends and family in local, state or federal level. It is almost impossible or it takes years to litigate and prove the bureaucrat was acting in a biased or criminal way or that she/he was promoting his boss ideas, his party ideas or having a quid pro quo. USPS workers may “forget” having “mail-in ballots” in the trunk of their car, poll workers may by “mistake” change 5 digit numbers to 6 and so on. People from the FBI may use the same databases by “coincidence” and hire the same lawfirms, people and software companies that the DNC hires. Those people get away with their wrongdoings and are compensated when they move out from their bureaucratic position in a magic way. In some cases they or their friends become contractors or managers of government contractors like Crowdstrike or ballot printing houses or Big Tech or companies that develop voting software like infamous the Iowa caucus app.
Since the USPS is a federal entity and the certification delivered to the Congress belongs to the other branches, the previous antecedent and others may be a pretext for the Supreme Court to excuse themselves from any ruling even if there is evidence in plain sight.
Judging from the past election frauds that have existed for many years, the courts have an interest in dismissing their involvement in securing the happiness of 70 million voters that believe that about 10 Million ballots were fiction and many of their votes where disenfranchised even if there is evidence.
The supreme court in the beginning for the 19th century enabled the creation of the Establishment which is the de-facto 4th branch of government which is the establishment both in state and federal levels. That entity makes “errors” and “delays” when convenient and gives preferential information and favoritism to their party, family and friends. To add insult to injury, John Marshall when enabling this power hub, increased the power of the Supreme Court by enabling the “Judicial Review” power to interpret what part of the constitution and its amendments is valid or constitutional. John Marshall grabbed for the supreme court and for the establishment more powers then the founding fathers intended when they tried to avoid tyranny and partisanship.
The 4th Branch of government interface and interchangeability with the Silicon Valley in the 21th Century is controlled by bureaucrats that decide on policies, timing, priorities and contracting. They have in their Rolodex a networking raster that enables them to parachute in positions when the cross from bureaucracy to big tech and vice versa using a revolving doors mechanisms to make sure each one hire and give preferential contracts and favor to the other. A similar metamorphosis and symbiosis relation occurs with the Academy and the Industrial military complex as referred by Eisenhower in the 50s. The decision making time span of the 4th branch is longer then a presidential office term and has long relation and symbiosis with the Intelligence community.