After declassification announcement on the May 23rd, AG Barr will be able to scrutinize and check the legality of the surveillance actions and dirt digging done by Democrat lawmakers the Intelligence community agents, contractors, and informers on behalf of DNC, Democrat lawmakers and Obama administration’s Insurance Policy apparatus.
It was just revealed That Ted Cruz was surveilled when he was part of the contenders GOP list for nomination. There is no evidence that rules out that all contenders from the GOP might have been targets of this malicious surveilance and blackmailing apparatus. A surveilled target is always prone to the possibility of Intelligence community blackmailing. The blackmailing power can be transferred from the DOJ or intelligence community to a democrat lawmaker by his contacts or contractors. Usually a targetting organization like Media Matters, Antifa, Mueller special counsel office, the office of Adam Schiff or the FBI have dossiers prepared ahead of time ready to use when needed.
Lawmakers also may use journalists fake materials that are fed with malicious out of context leaks from the intelligence community or they can create a fake news narrative either for payment or ideology. A coerced individual that lawmakers or FBI have a ready made dossier for, can be easily cornered, intimidated and trapped and testify or hide any information that suits the coercers or just sign a plea deal that compromises his integrity and credibility as was done with Papdopoulos, Corsi and Flynn.
It would be easy for agents to make an entrapment scheme that may include forcing the target to lie by fatigue, unrelated FARA of being a friend of a friend in social media without even knowing the the other party is is a “legitimate” target or foreign national. This is what is called surveillance by extension and can be achieved as well by unmasking as what did happen with Samantha Power unmasking of about 260 individuals.
The infrastructure of dossier generation and surveillance on political rivals was done before 2016 elections using maliciously loopholes in the requisition of FISA warrants and giving contractors and British agents illegal access to GCHQ-NSA upstream data which is restricted under section 702 surveillance act.
Adam Shciff found colluding with Russians and the FBI on dirt digging against the president for information that he or the FBI leaked to the news and was found false by Mueller. Mark Warren was also found colluding with Steele, DOJ mole and the Ohrs on getting dirt on the president in a plot to remove him from office.