Mueller said charging president Trump with a crime was ‘not an option’ in the Russia probe, in his resignation speech. This statement clearly insinuates that this is the reason his team didn’t conclude criminality on the president which is the OLC guideline. This is untruth because in a previous Special Counsel (Keneth Starr) investigation it was proved in eleven criminal accounts that president Clinton committed crimes and congress and Senate took actions based on that investigation. Mueller could have decided on obstruction criminality if there would have been evidence on that, but he didn’t find a proof on that. Mueller couldn’t also establish a proof even after overzealous use of investigation resources and entrapment methods, as he told the AG and DAJ and as what state in the letter of the Special Counsel.
This rhetoric is embraced by partisan oversight committee chairs and is also debunked by the fact that Mueller team didn’t charge anyone in the inner circle of the president on obstruction or conspiracy with Russia and the fact that Mueller team had free hand for 22 months to interview all members of the White House.
Some reports also state that as underline materials are being disclosed there is more indications that suggest Mueller team also redacted, altered and omitted materials from the report in order to push the obstruction entrapment rhetoric to congress and to the public agenda while smearing and targeting the president inner circle .
Related Links & Sources:
Altering Narrative about Russian Sources
Biased Political Statements
Lying by Omission
Mueller Inconsistencies