James Murdock and his Wife Used Foxnews against its Audience in a Critical Time as a Tool for Covering Up Biden’s Entourage and Helping Stopping the Bleeding for the Desk HQ
James Murdock Donation of at Least $615,000 to Biden’s Campaign may explain his hireups and the subsequent timing of Foxnews release of biased polls and biased critical information in election night and thereafter. as well as hiring, Foxnews officials have increasingly obstructed ‘Follow the Money’ journalism whenever it was compromising Biden’s integrity as well ballot fraud investigations.
Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated? via @gatewaypundithttps://t.co/knrWMvdd7v
The” Stop the Bleeding” Plot between Desk HQ and the Democrat party decision makers
Salma Smith, who supports Biden’s campaign was caught on Camera trying to Censor an Interview while working at the backstage of Fox News.
Neil Cavuto in an unprecedented lack of respect cut off White House interview about the voting process trying to pander to Biden camp and Murdock instead of allowing a journalistic unbiased investigation of the depth of voting fraud claims.
Arnon Mishkin, a donor and a stanch Democrat supporter was appointed by Foxnews hireups to make the “calling” decisions on stopping or fastforwarding the winning state announcements whenever it was convenient for the Democrat party. The decision to reorganize and stop the counting was coordinatied with the information coming from the Desk HQ, The information put forward in the states webpages was lagging behind the information shown by the Desk HQ. Abnormalities of sudden numbers going down for Tump and going 100% up for Biden were found while freezing screenshots of major networks that were being fed by Desk HQ.
Chris Wallace in an attempt to vilify the president and pander to Biden’s campaign and Murdock argued in election night that the president insinuated that “all counting should stop” whereas the president said that all “voting should stop” after election date.