Article in Politico blasts Schiff for alleging that Parnas SMS was referring to president Zelensky instead of Zlochvsky. Someone omitted (prosperously?) all the letters after the Z. Schiff used the SMS and other materials as part of a collusion to coach the media on how to use Parnas as a tool in the impeachment process and announce him as a future “star witness” for the impeachment.
Parnas is expecting sweeter deal for his indictment and enjoys the lights of the media performing in shows and interviews instead of being behind bars. Someone in the justice department conveniently gives Parnas a spotlight amd preferential treatment over other non political figures for the sake of making political accusations. After the trial is over, Democrats who are coaching Parnas, probably will throw him under the bus again as they did with Cohen and others.
CNN and MSNBC followed Schiif narrative and enhanced it. As a preemptive measure Politico is still claiming that the narrative is not damaged even after exposing the “convenient” error.
This is not the first time that CNN and MSNBC push a political narrative that Politico later on finds “conveniently” a caveat and explains how it can coexist with their agenda. It is done to preempt none biased media drawing the right conclusion or publicising it saying that it was “old news”.
An underacted version of the exchange shows that several days later, Parnas sent Giuliani a word document that appears to show notes from an interview with Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, followed by a text message to Giuliani that states: “mr Z answers my brother.” That suggests Parnas was referring to Zlochevsky not Zelensky.