It seems this is not the first case of unreported In-kind donation. Former Kamala Harris press secretary was appointed top Twitter communications official, and was tweeting anti Trump narrative while being a part of team that was demoting content that is not favorable with Biden, Kamala Harris and other Democratic party persons.
The former public policy director of Twitter was sent to work for Biden campaign which might be also an in-kind donation since his knowledge and contacts give the campaign an added value. During his work he conducted donation campaigns, fundraisers and advancement propaganda. The intertwining of the company information, communication, algorithms, databases, ad pricing, software and workers knowledge transfer might be a FEC violation as well as 230 Sec violation if not reported properly.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said it was “unacceptable” that the social media giant blocked users from sharing a Post exposé about Hunter Biden’s emails without providing a clear message as to why it was taking the action.
Dorsey released his statement in a tweet Wednesday night — hours after a number of high-profile Republicans, including Sen. Josh Hawley, blasted the social media giant for blocking the stories from being shared on the platform.
“Our communication around our actions on the @nypost article was not great. And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable,” Dorsey wrote in the tweet.
Twitter blocked users from sharing an article that indicated Hunter Biden introduced his father Joe to a Ukranian businessman — charging that “hacked materials” were used in the story.