There is no fail safe immunity for all future outbreaks or precise prediction for the severity of each outbreak wave but there are some facts that let us understand the chronology of reactions.
As COVID-19 outbreak is still evolving we should take a look at other pandemics and how and societies and viruses interact over time. Before, during and after a pandemic, viruses mutate taking a form of violent attacks in cycles and then fade out with or with no human intervention. They usually appear after wars, famine or trade wars (conflicts). Many countries have international trade and international manufacturing agreements. An outbreak can be generated by inadvertently or maliciously placing a “patient zero” in each country, plane, ship or city.
As a virus outbreak evolves in waves, so does the social reaction to a virus. Government placebos and calming campaigns are necessary every now and then. Sometimes these are justified sometimes these steps are misused. No matter what is the origin of an outbreak – newspapers, politicians, banks, military, oligarchs and governments will leverage it for their own agenda while blaming others.
Immune or non immune people or animals are conduits of viruses to non immune people without knowing it. Workplaces, shopping malls, army units, ports, transportation hubs, trains, ships. planes are outbreak chambers since people share air, water and food in a confined area and in some cases with poor ventilation or sanitation. Wars and trade wars are hotbeds for virus outbreaks. The anatomy of an outbreak includes various cycles with a final diminishing cycle that might occur after months or years.
Virus Darwinism: Is a theory on how harsh virus strain damage diminish over time: They give way or mutate to weaker strain that don’t kill their hosts. This is done as a compensatory learning process where keeping hosts alive is part of the virus existence over time which make “malignant” viruses into “benign”. “Benign” viruses are less noticed by human carriers.
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Wet and wildlife markets call for “Mother Nature Revenge”. The theory says that wildlife species that are not used to live close to each other as in captivity and therefore the species are under distress specially in confined wet markets were are about to be butchered and close to unpackaged meat. Animals have mechanisms of self preservation and self defence. Snake produce venom as self preservation need which is like the virus hosting process.
Different wildlife species host different kind of viruses and they posses different immune systems to deal with the viruses they host and their natural pray hosts. When one species is facing a threat from another species (including humans) they transmit the viruses as self defence. Otherwise one species would be able to devour the entire other species and the food chain would by cut off. The species “naturally” release the viruses that limit the extinction done by the devouring praying species.
The amount of danger of virus mutation and contagiousness gets exponentially higher as more butchered species are close to each other. Another risk factor has to do with sanitation and butchering process. In these environments which cause viruses to be more violent, more likely to be contagious or mutate.
Battle grounds , trenches, no-man land, where decaying corps lay in the open and in wet markets are the classic hotbeds for virus outbreaks. Sanitation in wet-markets require at least the same sanitation as butcheries. Each species should be separated and the butchering and packaging should be done one animal at a time in a separated space away from cages.. This is one of the hotspots were the CCP failed after not taking the necessary measures and learning from the 2002 SARS outbreak.
People who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat and facilitate the same calamities over and over again. Governments invest in biological warfare research for two main reasons:
- Defence or prevention against a biological attack or outbreak
- Improving the deterrence or enhancing attacking warfare arsenal and capabilities – these proliferation mechanisms are usually labeled as “decease prevention” organisations for obvious reasons.
Unit 731 was the common name of a secret unit of Japan’s Manchuria-based Kwantung Army whose official name was the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department. The leader of the unit was Ishii Shiro, who held the rank of lieutenant general at the end of World War II. The unit epitomized the extensive organization for the development of biological weapons within the imperial army.
During the research and development process, industries, politicians, generals and oligarchs increase their power and make a lot of money. This is achieved by using the know-how or leveraging the threat and “virus stock” inside a country or globally. This is done with excuses of national security, combating racism and so forth. There is always an excuse that the nation survival depends on it.
There is a lot of disinformation and cover up on virus outbreaks, the origins and weather it has to do with development of biological warfare or originated from a research lab accident. The disinformation came to a level in which historians are not sure if the Spanish Flu killed 100 million or 17 Million people, Even for the minimalistic evaluation, these staggering figures indicate that more people were killed by a virus compared to bomb shells and bullets of the great war.
At the same time the media was misrepresenting the death numbers while gas-lighting it with war stories and Versailles negotiations and “peace time” enforcement. After at least 30,000 books historians still disagree on the origins and the culprits for the great war which also caused the second world war. So there is no surprise on the disinformation, journalistic lack of professionalism and the cover ups and manufactured “disagreements” on the flu which was a part of the war and more disastrous then the conventional war.
Today, the world is going under a trade war which involves a war on the means of production, means of information propagation, raw material, food supply, financial systems, transportation, technology ownership and communication infrastructure. A manufactured, purposely unleashed or criminally unconfined outbreak might be the source of the pandemic.

Governments blame each other as part of this war which might escalate or de-escalate depending on the severity of the events and leaders resolve and decision making. The constant war of the Democratic party and the media against the presidency in the United states for three years might be a game changer or even part of the problem.
No one has a proof that undermines the possibility that the Spanish flu, H1 or COVID-19 were introduced or facilitated by one of the belligerent countries or a business mastermind. At the end of the day the Spanish flu saved some governments from responding to political unrest, overthrow, civil wars, hunger problems, logistics, the costs of transportation or even paychecks to returning soldiers. Pandemics and wars also erase loans, warranties and other obligations. The Spanish flu brought another crisis that saved the generals and politicians from answering for the millions of deaths that they caused on the battlegrounds of Europe.
Unconventional and biological warfare were industrialised and taken to the next level. So much so, that unit 731 was using the research and development and decease dissemination in the front-lines and beyond in China for the Kwantung Army ever since 1937. This was done in order to eliminate communities and the will to fight of the Chinese armies that outnumbered the Japanese. The biological warfare was successful to some extent. Unit 731 used among others the same spreading mechanisms and even virus variants that affect us today.
Governments, politicians, industry owners and newspapers leverage pandemics to coincide with their own agenda and income generation goals. Not all deceases have an efficient cure or preemptive vaccine. On the social level the government has to confine the areas and reduce proliferation and panic. This is done with public assurances that things are under control. Controlling panic is essential for governments, since communities that are in panic tend to generate a vicious cycle that increases infection and other harms by gathering in transportation hubs, nonconstructive hospital overcrowding, trade places, blocking roads or even looting and committing acts of violence.
Related Links and Resources

Wuhan Epicentre Chronicles
COVID-19 Statistics
Wuhan Strategic Location
Downplaying the Outbreak
Premature Decision Making during Initial Cycles
Laura Ingraham’s take on Current Facts
Unit 731 Members
Lack for Sanitation in Wet Markets
Agriculture in Times of Pandemics
Strand Evolution
Beijing Quarantine Operation
Posted Timelines