Washington Post and David Ignatius Have to Retract Narrative that the Hunter Affair doesn’t Involve Joe Biden and Family
Hunter admitted a $4B deal with the top spy of China which implicates Joe Biden and endangers national security. This debunks Washington Post and David Ignatius narrative that the Hunter affair doesn’t involve Joe Biden. Biden Wouldn’t meet and vet Bubolinsky unless he was a decision maker in Biden’s family international business ring.
Joe Biden referred inquiries over business with China and energy industry overseas to Rosemont Seneca CEO Eric Schwerin which was one of the the fall guys and fixers of the Bidens. By doing so, Biden admitted Rosemont Seneca was doing business on behalf of his family.
Their coverup article was altered to hide Ignatius lack of professionalism and activism on behalf of Joe Biden and the Democratic party. David Ignatius confined the issue on Burisma, omitting alleged RICO Modus Operandi, the use of the Vice Presidency and White House, the Racketeering of Shokin and Poroshenko, Chinese, UAE, Colombia and Mexican deals and other documents.
The story of Hunter Biden’s involvement with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma isn’t a scandal about his father, as the Trump campaign claims, but part of a personal tragedy for the vice president’s son, compounded by this week’s dissemination of what looks like disinformation about Joe Biden’s role.What’s clear, beyond the false scandal-mongering, has been evident for years: Hunter Biden made a mistake getting involved with a dubious company like Burisma. But the notion that the Burisma affair undermines Joe Biden’s case to be president is, as he would say, malarkey.
Quote of David Ignatius trying to help Joe Biden and the Democrat party: https://archive.is/WItPN
David Ignatius and Washington Post by mistake shoot their own foot by disputing CNN and MSNBC claim that Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. The efforts of WaPo to make damage control our of the new revelations is even more devastating to Joe since he the former VP claimed Hunter did nothing wrong.