Mueller Report reveals its delay influenced 2018 midterm results. It’s disparity and bias doesn’t hide the Establishment modus operandi of using contractors and loopholes for judicial traps, perjury traps, FARA Traps and FISA courts rubber stamps. The investigator used unlawful surveillance and witness coercion and biased plea deals.
Tag: Agenda
Conspiracy Theorists as Tools
How the Establishment Spin-off Whistle-Blowers Whenever an occasion presents itself, conspiracy theorists are used by the mainstream media and establishments as tool to create smoke screens on their cover-ups. Many conspiracy theorists have social and psychology problems which lead them to promote their theories for some agenda making a narrative in an erroneous way or…
Indoctrination in Academy and Education
How a political apparattus makes biased news, biased education and bias public agenda and myths –