Attorney Sidney Powell filed lawsuits seeking to correct a situation where “hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots” enabled by “massive election fraud” while other votes where switched or removed from the tally. The suits also include multiple issues relating to Dominion Machines, Smartmatic and other actors. The Michigan complaint alleges “massive election fraud” in…
Tag: Smartmatic
The Seized Servers from Frankfurt Allegedly Transferred Data Between Dominion, Smartmatic or Scytl with the Intelligence Community, Reports Say
Once the media and some bureaucrats gave an order or reported that the count was “stopped”, many anomalies emerged, allegedly indicating that algorithms and operatives may have started closing the needed tally gap in similar timing, smokescreens and methods in various critical counties and precincts. Many anomalies of voter counting/curing are yet to be investigated…
China who Owns IPs of Voting Machines Has Access to Collateral Tied to Dominion Machines, Smartmatic, & Sequoia or Others, Report Says
HSBC received ownership of patents to intellectual property of elections, ballots, systems, cyber & internet capacities. Patent Agreement
Chris Krebs Fired after CISA Alleged the Elections Were Secure and Fraud Free
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), under Krebs leadership declared on Election date that the election was the “most secure in American history.” Dominion, Scytl, Smarmatic Microsoft and partisan political and business actors were part of CISA influence advisors (via the Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council Charter) that made the Organization insinuate there was no…
Whistleblower Who Was at Creation of Smartmatic Systems – Witnessed Design and Programming of the “Cure and Switch” Feature of Changing Election Results, Report Says
At the end of the day you don’t need a centralized conspiracy of one big control room that delivers orders to change the votes that can flip the election result. It is an ad-hock cumulative efforts of poll workers, politicians, techs who believe they have the authority to “cure” the country by “curing” the votes because they think the means justify the end after being brainwashed with political hate speech or by social and economic pressure.
Interview about Smartmatic which Licenses Dominion Shows that Voting Technologies are Vulnerable to Tampering Results
“…persons controlling the vote tabulation computer had the ability to change the reporting of votes by moving votes from one candidate to another by using the Smartmatic software.”
There Appears To Be a Concerted Effort to Purge Smoking Guns of People Related to Dominion, Smartmatic and Scytl Voting Systems, Reports Say
We don’t have standardized thoroughly secure voting machines in the United States because there are people to whom it is advantageous for us not to have completely secure voting machines