This site tries to portray the motives, characteristics and modus operandi within the establishment, academy, industry and media. All the information herein might be controversial and might be part of a conspiracy theory. Quotes, articles and analysis papers are made based on social media, newsrooms and open domain publications which by definition are not 100% true since humans and sometimes AIs are not perfect and might have different values, perceptions and inference mechanisms. All information herein should be referred in a cynical or humorist way which tries to convey a different outlook on history, politics, media coverage and agendas. These theoretical outlooks and quotes might not be true since they describe history in a subjective way by trying to portray what might be going behind the scenes using subjective inferences of publications.
It is up to the reader to judge for herself/himself to what extent arguments and facts are valid and consequently decide what part of the information is a true conspiracy and what is a conspiracy theory.
Thesis and Theses
Theses draw their conclusions by giving more validity to a financial or political outcome then the discourse of historians or journalists and the way they interpret history. The establishment is motivated by money and power. If people work for the establishment or mainstream media they usually put their agenda in sync with the establishment line of though, propaganda, myths or narratives. Narratives are a set of conclusions derived from over-emphasizing some events and subjective interpretations or overlook on other events and formulating a story in a biased way.
Alienating of a narrative or news story is made voluntarily or involuntarily because the establishment and media manipulation. They make individuals believe implicitly and explicitly that their actions and expressed opinions would affect their well-being.
Many journalist and bureaucrats in the Intelligence Community, DOJ, State department work under the threat of the establishment racketeering apparatus. They fear for their livelihood, taxes and families or are just afraid of being outcasted, entrapped or being under political persecution or surveillance. We analyze the timing and manner of unfolding events and the way narratives are conveyed as well as the manipulation of sources. From there we can fill the gaps and connect the dots so we can understand what was the role of the agenda, cover-up or myth.
The public agenda is a set of artificial beliefs on what is important to the public or the elite. That affects the perception on what should be addressed by the government, lawmakers, news and judiciary system. The Establishment and media try to manipulate opinions and beliefs in order to alienate public agenda in order to increase power and control.