The “Jewish survivalist approach” portray the Balfour declaration and the San Remo Mandate as documents that would prevent Jewish pogroms and mistreatment after 2000 years of persecutions. Those persecutions were and are made by states, mobs, kings, clergies and even judges in some cases. Pogroms and persecutions of Jews were perpetrated by English royalty and clergy since the twelve century. Nevertheless, the league of nations gave a fiduciary role to Britain in which the kingdom would commit itself by creating of a shelter state for Jews from all over the world accordingly with his majesty government commitment to the Balfour declaration. Some argue that Britain had betrayed its fiduciary commitment and enabled the looting and massacre of Jews all he way from the ethnic cleansing of Hebron in 1929 to the Ben Yehuda market bombings in 1948 which was a crime committed by at least two British nationals that were serving in the British army beforehand. To add insult to injury, Britain had blocked the escape routes for many Jews that tried to escape Nazi Germany and enabled the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Hebron, the old city of Jerusalem and other placed.
The premise of the San Remo mandate document was that Jews were suffering from pogroms as well as biased judicial treatments and smear campaigns like the events of the Dreyfus affair and the Leo Frank lynch. Pogroms were occurring spontaneously or deliberately when sponsored by states or clergy for centuries targeting Jewish communities for economical or hate purposes. Most notably the state sponsored pogroms occurred in England when looting and expulsions where led by king Eduard I, Henry III and the church, in times where Jews suffered state endorsed massacres and trials in 1189–90. After a period of rising persecutions, all Jews were expelled from England after the Edict of Expulsion in 1290 while the state looted all their belongings and many were dawning while trying to reach Europe. This behavior of the English state makes a second genocidal complicity more outrageous when allowing another genocide to happen. Pogroms were common to eastern Europe (notably the Kishinev pogrom) but Muslim pogroms did occur in “Malah” neighborhoods which are basically Ghettos that are located in Muslim ruled areas. The Fez pogrom is one of the documented pogroms which was in Morocco in 1912.
After turmoil of World War I, the league of nations incorporated the Balfour declaration into the San Remo agreement which was ratified also by the British government. Both papers endorsed the creation of a Jewish state in the holy-land by acknowledging the bond of the Jews with their ancestral homeland which dates even before Christian or Muslim expansionist eras. The purpose of these documents was a creation of a safe-haven state for the Jewish people. The Jewish homeland boundaries would be the areas in the Palestine mandate which include the shorelines of the mediterranean sea and both banks of the Jordan river.
The basic idea was that the only viable solution to save Jews was to build an homeland shelter and safe-heaven secluded from existential threats in the historical Jewish area that was allocated to west and east banks of the Jordan river. The fiduciary mandate is described in article #2 of the San Remo agreement:
“The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.”
Source: San Remo Mandate
Accordingly with the 1922 Mandate census Jerusalem population included 33,971 Jews and 13,413 Muslims. Nevertheless, the Mandate restricted the worship rights of the Jewish people in that city appeasing Muslim riots.
In the same mandate census that it is stated that during world war I, the Ottoman empire reduced the Jewish inhabitants number in Jerusalem by about 45% mentioning that the situation in other towns was even worse:
“The Jewish population in 1914 was in Jerusalem 45-50,000 and in Jaffa 12,000. In 1916 these numbers had been reduced to 26,604 and 6,809 respectively, while in the colonies the effect of the war were probably no less severe”.
After WWI, Britain industrialization in the holy-land brought many Egyptian and other Arabs to that region to serve as laborers.
The British Mandate had breached their contract of article 6 as well, which required the mandate to “facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes” which in turn caused the death of Jews in Europe.
The notion of the British and American governments ever since the 1930, was that control over the Middle East would enable world domination due to the Oil deposits in that area and the location of the Haifa pipeline and the Suez canal. For that purpose both American and British officials believed that Jews should be “thrown under the bus” in order to appease the Muslims in that area and that bringing six million Jews to the holy-land would jeopardize their business. This explains why Britain backtracked the San Remo Mandate, why Americans and British officials didn’t want to vote for the creation of the state of Israel and embargoed Israel with arm sales. State department officials ever since engage in a plot to destroy the Jewish state in stages while appeasing Muslim creeds. Today’s policy-makers basically adhere to the judgment of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s influential advisor (Roosevelt’s international security adviser in the State Department,) Adolph A. Berle that control of the incomparable energy reserves of the Middle East would yield “substantial control of the world.” For that reason the secretary of treasury believed that Breckinridge Long was less dangerous then Adolph Berle in respect to the holocaust issue wince Berle was FDR adviser in his “Brain Trust”. By some accounts, he hated Jews. Basically the Berle doctrine is the application of the Monroe Doctrine into the Middle-East.
During the 1920s extremist Muslims under the direction of Amin Al-Husseini faction incited for the looting and killing of Jews over the issue of the religious control of Jerusalem. Those incitements led to many pogroms (including the 2023 pogrom) and converted the middle-east in a religious battleground. The instigation served the British empire warmongering and massacre containment policy that was a “divide en conquer” scheme which funneled religious and tribal animosity between indigenous peoples. This modus operandi can be evidenced by the inter-religion massacres in India, Opium Wars, Native American Tribal wars, Africa and so on. Accordingly with the 1922 Mandate census, Jerusalem population had 3 to 1 ratio in favor of Jews when compared to Muslim residents, but the British government policy was to enable the religious instigation which would sabotage the San Remo agreement while restricting Jewish worship rights in their holy historical sites while not securing their lives.
To add insult to injury, Churchill office of colonies in the 1920s gave 70% of the mandate territory, Trans-Jordania, lands that were eastward to the Jordan river by creating a puppet kingdom of Hashemite dynasty without a proper consent from the League of Nations usurping the lands bought by Jews within the east bank. This move created the Jewish state less defensible. This methodology of creating incidents, inciting, divide and conquer plots were a common practice by empires in Africa, America and Asia and also were the fabricated by Casus Beli plots and excuses that had the common goal of exploiting overseas communities and resource that would benefit elitist states and conglomerates like the west indies and east indies corporations.
In July 1922 the Council of the League of Nations approved the mandate instrument including its preamble incorporating the Balfour Declaration and stressing the Jewish historical connection with the land. Article 2 made the mandatory power responsible for placing the country under such “political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home. In hindsight, the British government betrayed their commitment to the league of nations, and used the mandate in the holy land to enable the killing of Jews by fanatic Muslims led by Amin al Husseini. They used bait and switch tactics that harmed the Survivability of the Jewish people in Europe and the Middle East in order to appease Islam and control oil and trade venues. British military enabled the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab countries and even the Jerusalem old city that was carried out by its armed and trained Jordanian legion in 1948. The British were pushing the Internationalization of Jerusalem putting Jews again in harms way, although more Jews then Muslims resided there.
The British government stonewalled attempts to save Jews by blocking their immigration by revoking immigration certificates during the Holocaust and blocking the maritime ways using the royal navy which resulted in the mass murder of six million Jews as well as showing the Nazi regime that the British government is not opposing the genocide by not bombing the railways that led to the extermination camps even thought allied aircrafts flew 5 files from the death camps.
July 6, 1941: Jewish Agency representatives Chaim Weizmann and Moshe Shertok met with Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in London, where he was presented with The Auschwitz Protocol and a memo from U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill urging the bombing of Auschwitz.
Unfortunately, Churchill and the Turkish government did nothing about this report, while both governments increased the navy blockade on escaping Jews on the Mediterranean and the black sea.
“American and British planes also flew over Auschwitz in August and September, when they air-dropped supplies to the Polish Home Army forces that were fighting the Germans in Warsaw. They flew that route twenty-two times, yet not once were they given the order to drop a few bombs on the death camp or its transportation routes.”
Churchill did nothing meaningful about the Holocaust and the Nurenberg laws, while his government increased the navy blockade on escaping Jews via the Mediterranean. On the same time FDR had a similar policy on the Atlantic, a policy that started with the St. Louis voyage back to Europe after Kristallnacht and other persecutions. This event was the writing on the wall of the upcoming genocide that Churchill and FDR could help mitigate. Some reports indicate that both English and American state departments colluded on the Jewish issue exchanging papers and talking points.
U.S. Treasury officials criticized the State Department for its alleged obstructionism and even conspiracies with British counterparts, and argued that certain officials within the State Department not only had failed to use US government tools to rescue the Jews, but had used them instead to prevent or obstruct rescue attempts. John Pehle from the U.S. Treasury department stated: “The British are saying, in effect, they don’t propose to take any Jews out of these areas.”
On his letter to FDR on Jan. 16, 1944, Henry Morgemtjau refers to the conspiracy of the state department and British officials on the policy of enabling the holocaust:
“I had told Secretary Hull that I wished to discuss the British objections—in simple terms, the British were apparently prepared to accept the probable death of thousands of Jews in enemy territory because of “the difficulties of disposing of any considerable number of Jews should they be rescued”. Accordingly, on that day of “action” for our State Department, December 18, they sent a telegram to the British Foreign Office expressing astonishment at the British point of view and stating that the Department was unable to agree with that point of view”.
FDR , didn’t want to allow mass entry of Jews into United States all the way until the elections of 1944. He added to the British “economic reason” a concern for spying risks calling many Jews as “bad people”. This policy was enacted by FDR appointee, Breckinridge Long, in the state department who did every bureacracy move to bloj Jewish refugee as long as they have family in Europe (which all have).
“The Secretary told Mr. Stettinius in plain words that hew was convinced that people in the State Department, particularity Brookinridge Lon, were deliberately obstructing the execution of any plan ti save the Jews.“
This policy was shared by the U.S. and Britain which enabled stonewalling thousands of future incoming Jews with the excuse of not worthy of saving because some of them would be German spies or “bad people” or economical burden.
The murder by sinking of Romanian Jews of was plotted by the British government that denied the Struma vessel entry into the Mediterranean by stating that:
“His Majesty’s government saw no reason why the Turkish government should no send the Struma into the Black Sea if they wished.”
Like the American authorities, the British authorities contributed to the death of escaping Jews by regulating the waterways. The Struma disaster was the sinking on 24 February 1942 of a refugee ship, MV Struma, which had been trying to take nearly 800 Jewish refugees from the Axis member Romania to Mandatory Palestine. Jews were desperately, escaping the Romanian pogroms. The vessel was quarantined for many days in Turkey waiting a Royal navy permission to sail. During these days the mechanical condition and the living conditions of the crew deteriorated. The British and Turkish plotted to return the ship into harms way into the black sea in belligerent territory where German ships were fighting Russian ships. Some say the Struma vessel was hit by a Russian submarine and some say by a reef in any case the ship wasn’t able to steam after it was towed to the black see. The Chief of the Foreign Office’s Refugee Section, T.H. Snow , wrote: “There could have been no more convenient disaster from the point of view of stopping this traffic”.
This anti Jewish salvation idea that FDR adopted is in sync with his decision to confine thousands innocent Japanese descendants in concentration camps in the United States.
Lord Moyne, a close ally of Winston Churchill, served as the British minister of state in the Middle East until November 1944. “Moyne may also have been personally responsible for the deaths of a million Hungarian Jews. Joel Brand, a member of the Jewish-Hungarian Aid and Rescue Committee, approached the British in April 1944 with a “blood for trucks” proposal from Eichmann, pursuant to which the Nazis would release a million Jews in exchange for 10,000 trucks from the Allies. Brand was arrested and, in the course of months of British interrogation, he was asked at one point by Moyne:”
“What can I do with a million Jews? Where can I put them?”
Moyne played an important role in suppressing Holocaust reports and in establishing the White Paper that forbid the salvation of Jews by blocking their navigation,and he was a vehement opponent of the very idea of the Jewish state and the breach of contract of the San Remo agreement. In an address to the House of Lords on June 9, 1942, he charged the Jews with trying to make “political capital” out of British efforts to fight the Nazis and accused the Jews of aggression and domination in trying to “force an imported regime upon the Arab population.” A number of historians note that Moyne delivered anti-Semitic speeches in the House of Lords, including one in which he suggested that “the Arabs should be awarded sovereignty over the holy land because the Arab race was “purer” than the “mixed” Jewish race”. The question remains if Churchill wasn’t antisemite why did he appoint Lord Moyne to block the attempts of Jewish salvation?
Accordingly with the Daily Telegraph from June 1942 the British government was well aware of the Holocaust, nevertheless the Royal navy blocked the waterways for Jews trying to escape Europe.
“On July 6, 1941 Jewish Agency representatives Chaim Weizmann and Moshe Shertok met with Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in London, where he was presented with The Auschwitz Protocol and a memo from U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill urging the bombing of Auschwitz. Eden then summoned Head of Air Ministry Sir Archibald Sinclair ” . .. but nothing happened.
Accordingly with the
Accordingly with the Report of War Refugee Board for Week of May 29 – June 3, 1944, Great Britain stonewalled certificates and transportation of Jewish child refugees reaching Switzerland from France.
“In response to our proposal that Palestine immigration certificates be authorized for certain child refugees reaching Switzerland from France so as to permit them to enter Palestine within the total allowed under the White Paper, the Foreign Office (of Great Britain) in effect declined”
Source: Morgenthau Diaries volume 741 page 237.
After the war and up to the declaration of independence of the Jewish state in 1948, Britain blocked the immigration of Jewish refugees into the holy-land. Many of them were massacred when trying to return to their villages in Poland and other places. After the Jewish state was created Britain embargoed Israel while selling weapons and airplanes to Egypt and Jordan who started a war that had its goal to destroy Israel.
“The theft of Palestine (from the Jews), which should and could have provided a new home for the victims of German persecution, was “legalized” by the thief himself” (Great Britain).
On may 17,1939, the British White Paper was published abrogating the pledge of the Balfour Declaration and the duties assumed under the San Remo Mandate, stating that: “His majesty’s Government now declares that it is not part other their policy that Palestine should become a Jewish state”. Intended f unintended, British officials contributed “De-Facto” to the numbers of Holocaust victims by illegally nullifying the mandate before World War II.
Both British and U.S. policy makers used red-tape and other pretexts to restrict migration of Jews, and in some cases colluded on how to do so:
In 1944, the Treasury Department released a damning report initialed by lawyer Randolph Paul. It read:
“I am convinced on the basis of the information which is available to me that certain officials in our State Department, which is charged with carrying out this policy, have been guilty not only of gross procrastination and wilful failure to act, but even of wilful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler.”
For further reading on the anti Jewish policies and forgery made by the state department: