Big Tech companies in the area of communications and social media play an ever increasing role in our lives. They have the ability to store, analyze or sell almost every bit of digital communication metadata and while making huge profits with advertising or information routing based on users and customer behavior or political affiliation.
Big Tech Manipulators Try to Discredit Journalists and News Outlets by Putting Demeaning Pictures in Top Search Results
Such is the picture of Gregg Jarrett and and the pictures of Dreyfus in French newspapers.
The end result or attempt is to discredit his the credibility of his reporting and views. They could put the official picture shown in his website or news outlet, but they decided to choose one of his worst pictures. The alleged claim that this is what the search engine brings up doesn’t hold water since the search engine owners are the ones who are in charge or echochambering the search results with their algorithms and content promoters/demoters teams.
Big Tech companies can sell or exchange this information voluntarily or involuntarily with governments or tech tyrants. In this way they have an advantage over small competitors and a leverage on politics or social agenda. While doing so and leveraging this information, they may takeover potential competitors or be involved in antitrust activities.