The company was working both for the DNC and the FBI at the same time before and after the elections. People who were former IC employess or Obama regime advisers where the decision makers in the DNC apparatus and CrowdStrike and all of them supported HRC and the fake collusion narrative. Now there are emerging allegations that Crowdstike jointly with the DNC colluded with Russians, UK and Ukraine persons of interest using international infrastructure in order to launder voting intervention or presidency undermining.
Crowdstrike’s CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments funded by Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Crowdstrike “hidden” reports on the DNC schemes were never disclosed or seriously investigated by Mueller since he didn’t want to compromise his colleagues (including Shmidt, Weissmann or Comey) who were running the election intervention or entrapment plots. The plan was to frame the Russians and create insurance policies through the malicious dossier fabrication machine of Fusion GPS and the FBI. Therefore he concluded without duly investigating that the story of CNN and Crowdstrike was supposedly “true”.
The Liaison between Crowdstrike the FBI and Prekins Coie was general counsel for the FBI James Baker as testified under oath. Baker promoted the Sspygate narrative by his contacts with Sussmann among others who worked for Perkins Coie and who was in charge of communicating with Crowdstrike and denying the FBI from accessing the DNC servers with threat use as the main lawyer firm of the Democrat establishment. Baker pushed the Russian hoax into the system from another coordinated DNC effort. His friend David Corn from Mother Jones which operates against Trump and GOP for along time gave him the unsubstantiated Alpha bank dossier. The allegation is based on cyber-political-counter-espionage that shows cyber traffic which is typical to DNC and Crowdstrike modus operandi.
Sussmann, whose Perkins Coie bio describes him as “a nationally-recognized privacy, cybersecurity and national security lawyer,” was also the lawyer the DNC turned to on April 28, 2016, after discovering the alleged hack of their servers. Immediately following the alleged discovery, DNC CEO Amy Dacey called Sussmann at Perkins Coie. After speaking with Dacey, Sussmann contacted Shawn Henry, CSO and president of cybersecurity technology firm CrowdStrike.
Sussmann was never interviewed by the FBI, which Baker found surprising, noting, “It is logical to me that we would go back and interview [Sussmann].”
He didn’t want tor refute the narrative of losing elections because of Russian intervention, and therefore he created futile indictments for Russian people that don’t exist or that would never show up or trial. He refused to investigate the possibility that the Russian intervention was a fabrication of the DNC, Crowdstrike, Comey or CNN. He didn’t investigate why the FBI covered up the murder of Seth Rich, Schultz or Podesta funding schemes, Crodstrike Malfeasons-FBI political cyber spying or data mining, HRC-Schultz emails and Crowdstrike biased reports. He refused to investigate Wikileaks, VIPS or Seth Rich murderers or other tech companies as a second unbiased opinion.
Executive makeup of Crowdstrike is very interesting, with substantial funding from a Google subsidiary, it’s headed by number of former long-serving figures from the FBI. Crowdstrike served the Dems during 2016 Presidential campaign, which Schmidt was deeply embedded within. …
With all of the media intentional manipulated noise on Spygate, one of the most important questions on 2016 elections is overlooked. The transcript of the president talk with Ukraine newly elected president reveals the concerns on how Crowdstrike used information, data mining and political cyber spying to help the DNC and FBI biased agents. FBI agents used assets and technology to cover up for HRC, Biden and other establishment people. At the same time people like MCCabe, Sztok and Steele where trying to entrap Turmp campaigners through use of fabricated dossiers and smear campaigns and the very same technology that Crowdstrike actors and ex FBI-IC workers provide.
No one seems to care and ask how the same company that was a contractor of the DNC was at the same time a contractor of the FBI or Mueller.
The FBI and Mueller turned purposely a blind eye on Crowdstrike audits and possession of the DNC data probably because they had a quid pro quo relations with former FBI agents that were working for Crowdstrike. A cyber expert or intelligence agent seem to be more concerned about future contracts or better hiring prospects with Big-Tech. To achieve that they might operate in a presumption that tthey would be better off if they help companies in their cover ups or smear campaigns. It is surely a better paid position then keeping their low paid government jobs or it might open new doors for creating companies that would work later on with the DNC or the government.
The people that were in charge of political data mining and political cyber espionage were the very same experts employed directly or indirectly as contractors forthe government, the IC and Crowdstrike.
Mueller hid any information on the collusion between FBI employees, Crowdstrike employees, Seth Rich Assassins and othe evidence that might expose how the DNC used illegal spying and cyber extortion on other countries or personal favoristism between Ukraine, Russia nationals. This is why the president is asking Ukraine to investigate how Crowdstrike and the DNC operated with the Ukraine asstes in order to intervene in 2016 and 2018 elections. There are allegations that the same technique and people were employed in other campaigns involving political cyber surveillance on DNC candidates as well as Republicans as McCain, Cruz and others using FISA laws as a laundering insurance policy introduced ever since 2004.
Related Resources and Links

Crowdsrike involvement in Spygate
The involvement of the FBI in the elections through Crowdstrike
Crowdstrike, Perkins Coie and DNC agreement
Slate narrative that covers up “respected” Crowdstrike MO with planted traffic with Alfa bank