Court Proceedings Show that the Plot to “Kidnap Whitmer” was Pushed by an FBI Informant Probably Manipulated by an Agent who Was Handling him
McCabe and Lisa Page Enthusiastic Communications about Timing Indicate that they were Aware, Leaked or Coordinated the Journalistic Hit Jobs that Undermined the Presidency via Mother Jones, Slate or Others
Reports Indicate that Bruce Ohr Departure from the DOJ was after Probes Exposed Nelly Ohr and Bruce Ohr Involvement in Propagating the Steele Dossier while Trying to Cover Up Sources and Motives
Whistleblower Testimony Reveals That IG Horowitz Didn’t Process Information Handed to him that Might Incriminate Comey, a Judge and other Agents that Violated his Liberties
Newly Released Docs Show That Mueller Investigation Relied on Media Reports to Indict Trump Officials
Halper from the Cambridge Spy Ring is Subpoenaed by Senate to Testify and Produce Documents
FBI based ‘Russia Investigation’ on ‘media reporting’: Used Yahoo articles as supporting evidence for FISA on Carter Page