When David Cay Johnston was asked why he didn’t investigate and condemn the nefarious conduct of opposition research and spying by the DNC which was more salacious and intensive then the GOP’s, his excuse was that he didn’t research on that. When David Cay Johnston was told that the president was not working on behalf of Putin since his sanctions, actions and adversity against Putin was more “belligerent” then Obama’s he didn’t have a factual response.
David Cay Johnston retracted his 3 year accusation that the president was a “Kremlin Agent” and tried to justify his defamation by saying that he means the president is an asset for the Kremlin. This statement ignores the fact the HRC and Obama’s plots including Uranium One, Clinton Foundation business with the Kremlin and the Iranian-Russian deal made them more of an “asset” to Putin as compared the president.
Glenn Greenwald : “The DNC had contractors working for it, collaborating coordinating with the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on Manafort and Donald Trump… so if you really believe that it is so nefarious for a political campaign to try and get dirt on your opponent if you work with a foreign government to do it, why isn’t the outrage just as high when it comes to the DNC?”
‘The NYT and WAPO should return their prizes which were false’
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF7ha7beQCw
Duranty, who worked for the NYT until 1941, won the Pulitzer prize for 13 articles written in 1931 reporting on Stalin and the Soviet Union. Many entities, correspondents and others have discredited the coverage by reporting a big lie about the USSR. The Pulitzer board has declined the request to withdraw the award stating “no clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception”. Accordingly with studies about the collectivization of agriculture in the USSR and Ukraine caused a deliberate famine genocide Duranty and the Pulitzer organization are found complicit in the attempt to cover for the Stalin regime mass murder and deportations to the Gulags. Pulitzer didn’t award a counterpart that would write about Stalin regime mass killing in real time. . The most extensive work on Stalin methodology, biography and indoctrination has just been published by Stephen Kotkin 3 volumes volumes on Stalin.
Pulitzer himself was responsible of malicious false news that instigated an unconstitutional war against Spain in 1898. Pulitzer organization refuses to acknowledge their error in the name of prestige