Cancel Culture Tribalism refers to a common social awareness phenomena where a state of mind of group members is engaged in a narrative that demeans a set of individuals or communities for having different values or characteristics.

CCT enables the control and persecution of individuals and communities. Demeaning campaigns are considered persecutions, because they lead to shaming, ghetoing outcasting, property and livelihood violation and in some cases bloodshed. These violent actions are done by the people who buy into these campaigns (mob) or pose as CCT followers. CCT instigators may be journalists, politicians, historians, prosecutors that use double standards and judges that were promoted by politicians or monopoly owners.
CCT nourishes itself by having a contagious mechanism that allows the recruiting new members or mobs by convincing them that adapting a cancel culture narrative would put them in an higher moral ground or virtue or may promote their position in journalism, society or workplace. CCT instigators, use populist adherence campaign to carry out their plans, hate crimes or freedom infringements without them having to take any overt illegal action. Such is the case of the Thule society publications and involvement in the German judicial system in the 1920s. The rise of the Third Reich is an outcome of a snowball CCT, that used the academy and media to spread a genocidal agenda using the print revolution and the radio and film revolution.
Contemporary tribalism is expressed by a notion that political opponents or minorities like non Progressive Jews are considered to have lower morality and therefore they are allegedly legitimate targets of an “open season” campaign. This ‘Open Season’ state of affairs, may evolve into pogroms, judicial entrapments or infringing the livelihood of the targeted subject. Thus, the “moral high-ground” tribalism in many cases is actually covered up persecution or hate speech that induces or whitewashes hate crimes in the name of academic or religious discourse or fake news media. The holocaust, the Armenian genocide and the October 7 massacres are a direct result of academic and religious cancel culture campaign where some organizations within the U,N, the ICC or German or Turkish politics try to depict Arian or Muslim people as having higher moral grounds than Jews or Armenians in a way that implicitly declares a de facto open season on them. An open season situation, enables the looting, freedom suppression, judicial entrapment and massacres that are carried out by indoctrinated useful idiots or a mob that wants to profiteer from their assets.
In the bigger picture the October 7 era world wide antisemitic cancel culture is leveraging the intrasemitist cancel culture tribalism that progressive and reformist Jews use against non-progressive Jews. Progressive Jews collude with antisemitic cancel culture by designing and propagating demeaning campaigns, entrapping, snitching, promoting blood libels, or smearing non-progressive Jews. The intrasemitic cancel culture is a result of progress Jews movement that blocks non-progressive Jews serving in decision making positions in the army, trade unions, media, bureaucracy or judicial system. Another motivation for the intrasemitic cancel culture is a notion of survivalist ‘Judnerat mindset’ which panders to covert antisemitic people in an expectation that their lives would be spared or improved on the expense of non-progressive Jews.